GenerativeComponents Help

Using the Move Node tool

Similar to other editing tools, the Move Node tool is subject to the dependency chains of the moved geometry. Therefore, if you move the start point of a line defined by the StartPoint and EndPoint properties, the line adjusts to stay connected with its start point. Opposite of most modeling programs, the line itself cannot be "moved" on its own, because its position is defined by the StartPoint and EndPoint properties. The Move Node tool is always subject to the hierarchical dependency chain of the model. It is a different move than the conventional CAD transformation that translates any geometric element.

Click the Move Node tool and then click a particular graphic handle (axis, or edit plane) of a point. This opens the variable edit box, showing each free axis corresponding to one of the point's graphic handles. The point will now move freely along the chosen axis/plane in the Geometry window. The red handle corresponds to the x-axis, the green handle to the y-axis, and the cyan handle to the z-axis. Clicking the handle icon in the Geometry window constrains the movement of the node along the axis of movement of the direction of the handle. If a handle variable is "locked" as opposed to "free", its graphic handle is hidden. To retrieve it, the variable has to be unlocked by either clicking the red "locked" button in the Move Node tool, or in the Node Properties dialog by right-clicking the input property and selecting "free."

Clicking the Move Node tool opens the Node Coordinates dialog. Each free axis corresponds to one of the graphic handles.

When clicking a point, you can either click and drag the point from its original location to a final location, or single-click to activate the Move Node tool and single-click to terminate the command. In this case, clicking the right mouse button cancels the Move Node tool and returns the point to its original location.

Depending on the support condition, there are different handles indicating a variable is "free" to be manipulated graphically.

A point on a line with a free T value

A point on a BSpline surface with a free U and V parameter

Editing two variables simultaneously requires clicking on the corner marker; for the XYZ handles it is a small corner combining the two colors of the related axis. Clicking it instead of the handle line moves the point both in X and Y or the respective axis simultaneously. For the UV case above it is equally the curve corner with the red and green arc that allows for simultaneous editing of UV with the Move Node tool.